Hello everyone!

We are chugging along fairly well with Entry 1: Rain! Entry 1 was funded with the assistance of Scott Michaels.

We are currently soliciting donations for the next entry of the comic now to have the money ready to pay our artists when they finish Entry 1!

What does this mean? 

Entry 2 will be drawn by Oshigan, inked by Mace, and colored by Verias!

Entry 2 will be full color pages every week.

Entry 2 has the opportunity for guest spots in the strip. Kokoro will be doing a wedding photoshoot so there will be an opportunity to have a elfish/human original character of yours appear in the comic!

Here’s the bounty: 

$5 – You will get our eternal thanks and the uncensored full resolution Koko pin-up.

$20Swipe right? – You will get to be one of the dating profile pictures Koko browses through. (3 spots)

$40Face in the crowd – You will get to be one of the guests at the wedding. (10 spots)

$70Always the bridesmaid. You get to be one of the groomsmen or bridesmaids. (6 spots)

$100Bridezilla. You will get to be the bride. (1 spot)

$100Man of the Hour. You will get to be the groom. (1 spot)

Bidding starts at $300 or higher to be Koko’s date for this issue. Whoever donates the most will get this auction spot. If you get bumped, we will give you a consolation commission of your OC and Koko or Tammy or Dawn.<- This donation needs to occur by Oct .31, 2018!

Donate through the pitch in or Ko-Fi links above!